Professor of Public Economics, Director of the Dulbea

Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management (SBS-EM), Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)

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Research Activities:

Work in Progress


Work in Progress:


“The Effect of Work-related ICT Use at Home on Workers’ Mental Well-being” with S. Fernández Guerrico.


"Training Jobseekers to Address Labour Shortages: An Experimental Study on Information Barriers" with E. Leduc.


“Government-subsidized household production activities and female labor supply” with A. Charpin and S. Fernández Guerrico.


“The Growth of Disability Insurance in Belgium: Determinants and Policy Implications” with O. De Brouwer. IZA Discussion Paper 16376 (August 2023). Submitted


“Flexible Wages and the Costs of Job Displacement” with S. Fernández Guerrico. IZA Discussion Paper 14942 (December 2021). Submitted


“Work Disability after Motherhood: How Paternity Leave Can Help” with S. Fontenay. IZA Discussion Paper 13756 (September 2020). Submitted


“Basketballs and Bargaining: The Role of Trade Unions in Professional Sports in Europe and the United States” with A. Avanzo & P. Thill.


“Where did you come from, where did you go?: How work characteristics before sick absenteeism might predict duration and job prospects” with L. López-Forés.


“Loan-to-Value Ratios, Mortgage Over-indebtedness and Financial Stability” with P. du Caju and F. Rycx.


“Appointed or Elected? How Mayoral Accountability Impacts the Provision of Policing” with A. Colombo. IZA Discussion Paper 13961 (December 2020).




On hold…


“Unemployment Risk and Over-indebtedness: A Microeconometric Perspective” with Ph. Du Caju and F. Rycx. ECB Working Paper 1908 (May 2016).


“The Economics of Guns” with K. Storchmann.


     in International Scientific Journals (Refereed):


“Media, Spillovers, and Social Norms: The Electoral Impact of Anti-Far Right Protests in the 2002 French Election,” Economic Journal, forth., 2025 (with N. Lagios & PG Méon) [More]


“Is Supported Employment Effective for Disability Insurance Recipients with Mental Health Conditions? Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in Belgium,” Journal of Health Economics, forth., 2025 (with S. Fontenay)


“Home Work: Exploring the Labor Market Effects of Subsidizing Domestic Services,” Labour Economics, 2024 (with E. Leduc) [More]


“Sickness Absence among Young Mothers and the Child Penalty in Employment,” Review of Economics of the Household, 2024 (with S. Fontenay) [More]


“Old-Age Unemployment and Labor Supply: An Application to Belgium,” Empirical Economics, 67, 253–287, 2024 (with O. De Brouwer) [More]


“The Consequences of Job Search Monitoring for the Long-term Unemployed: Disability Instead of Employment?” Journal of Public Economics, 224, 104929, 2023 (with O. De Brouwer & E. Leduc) [More]


“Female Corporate Owners and Female CEOs,Economics Letters, 232, 111285, 2023 (with A. Charpin & A. Szafarz) [More]


"A Bigger House at the Cost of an Empty Fridge? Micro-evidence from the Belgian HFCS,Review of Economics of the Household, 21, 291-333, 2023 (with P. du Caju, G. Perilleux & F. Rycx) [More]


"Child Penalties across Industries: Why Job Characteristics Matter,” Applied Economics Letters, 30(4), 488-495, 2023 (with S. Fontenay & T. Murphy) [More]


"The Minority Ethic: Rethinking Religious Denominations, Minority Status, and Educational Achievement across the Globe,” Journal of Comparative Economics, 47(1), 196-214, 2019 (with P-G Méon) [More]


“Heterogeneous Effects of Credit Constraints on SMEs’ Employment: Evidence from the European Sovereign Debt Crisis",” Journal of Financial Stability, 41, 1-13, 2019 (with D. Cornille & F. Rycx) [More]


“Blame the Parents? How Parental Unemployment Affects Labor Supply and Job Quality for Young Adults,” Journal of Labor Economics, 37(1), 35-100, 2019 (with A. Fradkin & F. Panier) [More]


“Misalignment of Productivity and Wages across Regions? Evidence from Belgium,” Regional Studies, 52(12), 1695-1707, 2018 (with S. Kampelmann, F. Rycx & Y. Saks) [More]


“Does Education Raise Productivity and Wages Equally? The Moderating Role of Age and Gender,” IZA Journal of Labor Economics, 7(1), 1-37, 2018 (with S. Kampelmann, F. Rycx & Y. Saks) [More]


“Teacher Staffing and Pay Differences: Public vs. Private Schools,” Monthly Labor Review, September 2014 (with S. Allegretto) [More]


“The Regional Dimension of Collective Wage Bargaining: the Case of Belgium,” Regional Studies, 48(2), 301-317, 2014 (with M. Rusinek). [More]


“Does Rent-sharing Profit Female and Male Workers? Evidence from Israeli Matched Employer–Employee Data,” LABOUR, 27(3), 331–349, 2013 (with G. Navon). [More]


“Wage Structure Effects of International Trade in a Small Open Economy: The Case of Belgium,” Review of World Economics, 148(2), 297-331, 2012 (with Ph. Du Caju & F. Rycx). [More]


“Wage Differentials across Sectors in Europe: An East-West Comparison,” Economics of Transition, 19(4), 749-769, 2011 (with I. Magda, F. Rycx and D. Valsamis). [More]


“Inter-Industry Wage Differentials: How Much Does Rent Sharing Matter?” Manchester School, 79(4), 691-717, 2011 (with Ph. Du Caju & F. Rycx). [More]


“Inter-Industry Wage Differentials and the Gender Wage Gap: Evidence from European Countries,” Economic and Social Review, 38(1), 135-155, 2007 (with B. Gannon, R. Plasman and F. Rycx). [RePEc]


“Rent Sharing and the Gender Wage Gap in Belgium,” International Journal of Manpower, 25(3/4), 279-299, 2004 (with F. Rycx). [More]



     in Belgian Scientific Journals (Refereed):


“Migration et répartition à long terme du risque de chômage en Belgique”


Reflets et Perspectives de la vie économique, Vol. LX, pp. 47-63, 2022. [RePEc]


“Industry Wage Differentials, Rent Sharing and Gender in Belgium”


Reflets et Perspectives de la vie économique, Vol. XLVII, No. 3, pp. 55-65, 2008. [RePEc]


“Wage Differentials in Belgium: The Role of Worker and Employer Characteristics”


Brussels Economic Review, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 11-38, 2007 (with R. Plasman and F. Rycx). [RePEc]


“Inter-Industry Wage Differentials: What Do We Know?”


Reflets et Perspectives de la vie économique, Vol. XLVI, No. 2/3, pp. 13-22, 2007 (with F. Rycx). [RePEc]


"La régionalisation de la négociation salariale en Belgique: vraie nécessité ou faux débat?"


Reflets et Perspectives de la vie économique, Vol. XLVI, No. 2/3, pp. 65-74, 2007 (with R. Plasman and M. Rusinek). [More]


“Inter-Industry Wage Differentials and the Gender Wage Gap in Belgium”


Brussels Economic Review, Vol.45, No.2, pp.119-41, 2002 (with F. Rycx). [RePEc]



     in Books (Refereed):


“Can Rent Sharing Explain the Belgian Gender Wage Gap?”


in H. Bunzel, B.Christensen, G. Neumann and J-M. Robin (eds.), Structural Models of Wage and Employment Dynamics, Contributions to Economic Analysis Series, Vol.275, Elsevier North-Holland, 2006 (with F. Rycx). [More]


“The Gender Pay Gap in Belgium: How Much Do Sectors Matter?”


in B. Mahy, R. Plasman and F. Rycx (eds.), Gender Pay Differentials: Cross-National Evidence from Micro-Data, Applied Econometrics Association Series, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 99-117, 2006 (with F. Rycx). [More]


"La régionalisation de la négociation salariale en Belgique"


in Cifop (eds.), Nos régions en Europe : voies d’impasse, voies d’avenir. Quel développement pour la Wallonie et Bruxelles?, 17ième Congrès des Economistes Belges de Langue Française, 2007 (with R. Plasman and M. Rusinek). [More]


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